Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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E is a little programming editor I wrote and am releasing into the public
domain. It keeps the file being edited in RAM and makes use of all available
standard memory, allowing editing of large files. It provides a full set of
cursor movement commands, block and line move and delete functions, and find
and replace operations. Block operations may be directed to use an internal
buffer or another file. It's written in TASM for speed and compactness (I've
included the source so you can make your own modifications if you want).
E is simple enough that it doesn't need much extra documentation. Just fire
it up and press F1 for help. Here's an expanded version of the help screen
with some additional comments, followed by a version history.
left left arrow, ^s The Ctrl-letter forms of the
right right arrow, ^d cursor commands may be harder to
word left ^left arrow, ^a remember, but don't require that
word right ^right arrow, ^f you lift your hands from the home
start of line Home keyboard position.
end of line End
up up arrow, ^e 'Delete to end of line' and
down down arrow, ^x 'delete line' put the clipped lines
page up PgUp, ^r or portions into a delete buffer
page down PgDn, ^c from whence they may be undeleted
start of file ^PgUp using Ctrl ^. This is the easiest
end of file ^PgDn way to move a few lines: delete
backspace backspace the lines, move the cursor to
delete Del the new location, then undelete.
delete word left ^[
delete word right ^] The block commands marked with
delete to end of line ^\ a * will use a file (you'll be
delete line ^- prompted for the name) if the shift
undelete line ^^ key is pressed along with the Alt-
toggle insert mode Ins letter combination. Otherwise an
help F1 internal buffer will be used. These
mark start of block @b commands only work on whole lines.
copy block @c * Copy will put a copy of all marked
delete block @d * lines (between the line where you
insert block @i * pushed Alt B and the present cursor
empty block buffer @e * location) in the buffer or a file.
unmark @u Delete does a Copy and removes the
find @f + original lines. Insert inserts the
replace @r + contents of the file or buffer above
find/replace all @= + the present line. To move text, use
save and continue @s Delete then Insert. To move text
save and exit @x between two files, Delete or Copy to
kill save on exit @k the block buffer, Alt O to change
label (0-9) @l files, then Insert.
go to label (0-9) @g
jump to line # @j Find and Replace will use the
set tab width @t strings last entered if the shift
toggle autoindent @a key is down. Replace must always
be used immediately after Find. Use
@ = Alt, ^ = Ctrl. Find/Replace All if you're sure you
* = to/from file if shifted want to change all occurrances of a
+ = use previous string(s) if shifted string. Otherwise use shifted Find
and Replace selectively.
Alt O will save the current file and prompt for the name of a new file to
be loaded. Use Alt S to save and continue, Alt X to save and exit, and Alt K
followed by Alt X to discard any changes made and exit.
Autoinsert mode lines up the start of each new line (after Enter) with that
of the line above it. Use Alt A to toggle this on or off. When off, each
new line will start at the left-hand margin.
You can mark your place in the program with Alt L, which prompts you for a
label from 0 to 9. Pressing Alt G, then the label number will return you to
this spot. Alt J will prompt you for a line number to jump to.
Whenever you are entering something in response to a prompt such as a find
string or file name, entering a null string (just Enter) will cancel the
I'd appreciate hearing about any bugs, and welcome any other comments. I
may release an upgrade one of these days. To contact me, leave a message on
the EXEC PC BBS (1-414-964-5160) or write me at the address below. Please
enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you need a reply. Sorry, I can't
promise any support. Thanks for trying E!
David Nye MD
4209 W Lowe's Creek Rd.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
11 June, 1989
19 Aug 89 Version 0.1:
You may now change E's default screen colors and tab width using debug by
>ren e.exe e.fix
-e 157e nn mm tt
>ren e.fix, e.exe
where nn and mm are the desired attribute bytes for text and marked text/status
line respectively and tt is the tab width (all in hex).
When you use Alt O to switch to another file, the contents of the block
buffer are preserved and can be inserted into the other file for cut and paste
operations between files (previously you had to use a scratch file).
Tabs are now automatically expanded when a file is read in.
I fixed a bug which caused the program to hang if you failed to specify a
file to edit on the command line and another which made a little box with a
circle in it appear mysteriously before certain lines of text in an edited file.
ALT M (mark block) has been renamed to ALT B. Not only is B easier to reach
when pressing the ALT key, but I plan to add macros in the next release and will
use ALT M for that. I also think I'll add word wrap, paragraph reformatting, and
ability to specify margins to make E more useful for simple documentation.